I believe that storytelling is defined by its creative medium. When it comes to filmmaking, I believe this storytelling medium is best when it's visual, simple and defined. I apply this mindset to every project I have creatively worked on, whether it's a written piece I've created or an advertisement for a commercial client - every element involved in the process is there to express the story.
I studied film for 2 years at Yoobee Colleges (previously Yoobee School of Design) and in that time specialized in editing, audio, writing and directing. Prior to my film studies I achieved a Bachelor of Performing Arts through the National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Arts (NASDA). I am proficient in the full Adobe suite and have done colour grading in Da Vinci Resolve. I have used other programs such as Shotcut and Audacity for other projects and am always ready to learn more. If you'd like to know more about me or to get in contact regardless, my details are in the "contact" section of this site.
- Mario Sadra-de Jong